sábado, 12 de junho de 2010

E no fim... hoje é o dia dos namorados

Pois é. Sábado, dia 12 de junho, noite da véspera do Dia de Santo Antônio. Estou aqui comigo e meus botões, ouvindo música e trabalhando. Claro que gostaria de estar fazendo outra coisa mais interessante, mas nem sempre alcançamos o que queremos, não é essa a maior lição da vida?

Mais uma data de reflexões nesse ano tão cheio delas e de mudanças. Lembro do que fiz ano passado. Da última tentativa, talvez, de recuperar o que tinha sido perdido, ou melhor, o que não poderia ter sido um verdadeiro encontro. Por isso, a música que representa o dia de hoje é In the end, do Linking Park. Velha, como eu gosto, mas que diz um bocadinho de coisas... "Eu tive que cair para perder tudo. Mas no fim, não importa mesmo!"

In The End (Linking Park)

It starts with one...

One thing,
I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you'd try
Keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time

All I know.

Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down 'till the end of the day
The clock ticks life away

It's so unreal.

You didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on, to didn't even know
I wasted it all just to

Watch you go...

I kept everything inside
And even though I tried,
It all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually
Be a memory of a time when

I've tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end,
It doesn't even matter.
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end,
It doesn't even matter.

One thing, I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you'd try
Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme
To remind myself how

I've tried so hard.

In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised, it

Got so far...

Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you wouldn't knew me, back then
But it all comes back to me

In the end...

You kept everything inside
And even though I tried,
It all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually
Be a memory
Of a time when

I've tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end,
It doesn't even matter.
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end,
It doesn't even matter.

I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
For all this
There's only one thing you should've know

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